Our "Vaquero Shop" feature artists & artisans in the Vaquero tradition, and makers of period clothing or costume.
| Nuestra "Tienda de Vaquero" destacará a artistas y artesanos en la tradición de Vaquero.
Right (click to enlarge): California Mission Saddle c1830. Note the large mochilla (skirt) and the front leg flaps (armas) designed to protect the rider's legs from cactus -- a design that preceded chaps (armitas) worn by the rider. A reproduction of this saddle is currently being made for the VHF by Salvador Gomez, custom saddle maker -- 626-337-5091 Broken Horn Saddlery World’s Largest Tack Store 1022 Leorita Street Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (626) 337-4088 (626) 337-4266 Outside California: 800-367-6492 Fax: (626) 337-4283
Saddlemaker |
Historian, Craftsman, Illustrator |
Silversmith |
Mecates & Headstalls |
Rawhide & Leather work |
Saddle blanket Weaver |
(various artists & artisans) |
Musica mariachi |
musica Zacatecano |
Hagel's Cowboy Gear P.O. Box 487, 6 Mill Road, Dayton, WY 82836 We make the highest quality mane hair mecates available. Feel free to look at our website www.mecates.com Please feel free to contact us anytime. Thank you, Sara Hagel phone- 307.655.3275 fax- 307.655.2591 Electronic mail General Information and Sales: sara@mecates.com
Horsefly (of Henrietta, Texas) used to specialize in custom-made authentic Old California & vaquero clothing. Since he retired, we don't know of anyone else who is filling the unique nitch he once filled. If anyone is interested in crafting old-style authentic Vaquero clothes, the Vaquero Heritage Foundation will help advertise and promote this endeavor.
What's the point of wearing historical costume if you're carrying a modern purse or bag around...? The Victorian Traveller makes carpet bags just like they used in the Old West. Click on the link or go to http://carpetbag.com/
More Shopping Ideas for Authentic Vaquero Clothing & Tack
End of Trail - Every April, the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) sponsors "End of Trail," a wild west extravaganza that includes a hundred or more vendors who specialize in authentic clothing and tack from the Old West and Old Spanish California.
The Vaquero Show - Every fall, the Santa Ynez Valley Historical Society sponsors a Vaquero Show whose vendors are even more specialized. So far as authentic Old California vaquero collectibles go, this show may be the best in the west.
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